It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy. ~George Horace Lorimer
Money may be the husk of many things but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintance, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace or happiness. ~Henrik Ibsen
PLAN N PROGRESS is a website created for spreading knowledge on Personal Finance, which essentially deals in money matters. However, we know and understand that money is not an end in itself and it's just a means in our journey to have peace , happiness and prosperity . A worried mind can not be happy; hence, if we are worried about our finances, we will not be happy . This site endeavor to mitigate such worries . The goal of money is to have healthy , happy life . Without money and keep worrying about day to day needs , one can not be happy also . As renowned writer Mr Kushwant Singh writes about need of a Bank Balance in life ( among other things like Health , Home , understanding companion, good attitude, etc ) " Healthy bank balance. It need not run into crores, but it should be enough to provide comforts, and there should be something to spare for recreation—eating out, going to the movies, traveling and holidays in the hills or by the sea. Shortage of money can be demoralizing. Living on credit or borrowing is demeaning and lowers one in one’s own eyes "
The motto of financial planning is to achieve happiness and prosperity . But a person who is ill either physically or mentally or who is in not at peace with him self will not be able to give 100 % to his job and his ability to earn would come down. Even the ability to take proper financial decisions would come down. While money may be needed to take care of our health problems, health would be needed to maintain our financial capability and earning power . Thus health and money are interrelated.
As we age, our worry about our health will escalate . Health may also deteriorate and the cost of health management goes on increasing both due to aging and inflation. Thus keeping good health is vital in our financial plan.
One of our readers Ms Jasmine Dyoco has sent us an useful link , with a request to share , an article regarding maintenance of health , especially for those above 50 . The article is published in . Though article is written keeping in mind USA audience , we found that problems faced during aging and solutions recommended are universal in nature . Some problems people face are due to transitions that start to occur—including children moving away, the loss of parents, friends, and other loved ones, changes to or the end of your career, declining health, and even loss of independence. These problems are universal to all aged .
The article discusses ,among other topics ,
1. Finding and following your formula for staying healthy as you age
2. Staying healthy as you age: Tips for coping with change
3. Staying healthy as you age: Tips for finding meaning and joy
4. Staying healthy as you age: Tips for staying connected
5. Staying healthy as you age: Tips for boosting vitality
6. Staying healthy as you age: Tips for keeping your mind sharp
The above article is authored byAuthors: Joanna Saisan, M.S.W., Melinda Smith, M.A., Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., and Monika White, Ph.D.
You may read the article by clicking here on the link :
We hope our readers will find the article interesting and useful . We seek your feedback for publishing / linking more such sites which we come across.
We hereby thank Ms Jasmine Dyoco for forwarding an useful link , which w e think our audience will appreciate .

What to eat for Healthy Teeth ?
Good Food for Good Teeth :
Dated 10.11.2021 : It becomes essential to look after one's teeth as age progresses , as there are more chances for the teeth to degenerate over a period of time .
On the above subject , we have received an educational article with link to an article published by from USA . The veracity of its recommendations is said to be checked by a Dental surgeon . The article recommends around 10 foods as useful to maintenance of healthy teeth by a person . The article indicates that fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, nutrients, and minerals are excellent for your dental health. It also recommends that dairy and fish are good diets to ensure that you are getting enough calcium and antioxidants to fight tooth decay and strengthen tooth enamel.
What to eat for for heathy Tooth ?
Some of the vegetables recommended are Yoghurt , leafy greens, apple , carrot , almonds , green and black tea and fish .
The article also recommends to avoid such foods like sugary liquids which lead to tooth decay and gum disease . The article says that the following foods and drinks can harm your dental health, according to the ADA:
1. Hard or sticky candies
2. Cookies, cakes, and muffins
4. Soda, lemonade, and juice
5. Sweetened coffee or tea
6.Dried fruits
One can go through the linked article above and find how to improve one's dental health by choosing better food items . We have also found many other useful articles on the linked website , which our readers may utilize .
PS : We sincerely thank Mr Mathebula Nsovo of byteme .com who recommended the above article . The company is in the business of dental treatment in USA
" Healthy Aging in to your 80s "
UPDATE DATED 08.06.2017 : We have received an article on the subject of "Healthy Aging in to your 80's " from elder for sharing the link with our readers .The article contains five parts .
1. Managing your Health
2. Keeping your Body Strong
3. Staying Mentally Strong
4. Living Independently
5. Moving to an Easier Home .
Though the article is written keeping in mind of American readers , some of the issues discussed may be relevant to Indian Elderly also . Hence we are giving a link for the article for benefit of our readers : CLICK HERE FOR THE ARTICLE